100% Fair Trade
Fair Trade Décor, Del Mar, CA
A movement is defined as a group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas.
We are delighted and grateful to Betsy Paganelli for giving Kazana hummingbird bracelets a beautiful perch in her exquisite store, Fair Trade Décor.
Visit Del Mar and while there patronize Fair Trade Décor — shop for one-of-a-kind home décor, jewelry, accessories and more. Your purchase will help provide economic opportunity to artisans around the world.
The store offers handmade products of the highest quality from more than 50 countries, and is the only 100% fair trade store in San Diego County and one of fewer than 200 in the United States.
Thank you Betsy Paganelli for providing global artisans visibility, market access and an opportunity to thrive. You are making a difference!