Food Farm
Nalepo Women's Group, Olgulului, Amboseli, Kenya
Members of Nalepo Women’s Self-Help Group are simply the epitome of what it means to be strong, resilient and resolute. The women have responded to the current drought crisis by literary taking matters into their own hands. Nalepo Women have resorted to farming as a measure of mitigating against hunger, drought and famine.
The photo above captures some of the group members standing on their newly ploughed land -- land that they aptly named Treasure Farm. The community plans to pipe water to the farm from the nearest borehole, located a few miles away. This farming project is the first of its kind in Olgulului, Amboseli. The women intend to replicate its success by irrigating other parts of their vast land.
Kazana and friends are proud to assist these dynamic women realize their dream of farming and self-sustenance. For a long time, the women were discouraged from pursuing what was often termed as "an impossible endeavor" because of the dry and tough terrain therein — a region where large herds of elephants also call home.
Fearless and determined, the Nalepo Women have marched on and are now pioneering a grain and vegetable farm in their community. Suffice to say, these brilliant mamas are giving life to their families and community. Food for life!
Amboseli women invite the global family to join them in transforming their treasured land into the breadbasket of the region and the entire world.